Living with Cancer Programs 

Free Community Programs Available through the Compassionate Grief Centre

Proudly Sponsored by:

Individual Cancer Counselling

Private counselling for patients, family members, children and care providers to manage the impact of cancer.

Our counselling specialist can help you deal with the stress, anxiety and fear associated with a cancer diagnosis.

We offer no and low cost counselling options for those looking to navigate through this process.

Join our Webinar

Survival Guide to Living Through Cancer: A Journey of Resilience and Renewal

Webinar Date: September 26th
Time: 6-7:30pm

Join us for an intimate and empowering session as we dive into the realities of life after cancer with our esteemed guest speaker, Leslie MacLennan. Leslie isn't just a cancer survivor; she's a seasoned Radiation Therapist with over 17 years of experience at Horizon's Oncology Department. Her dual perspective—both as a survivor and a healthcare professional—makes her uniquely equipped to guide us through this discussion.

In this webinar, Leslie will share her journey of creating a "new normal" after cancer. She will openly discuss the challenges of returning to work, the emotional and physical hurdles that arise, and how she found joy in the process of rebuilding her life. This is your opportunity to ask those burning questions, share your fears, worries, and struggles, and learn from someone who truly understands what you're going through.

 Whether you're currently undergoing treatment, in remission, or supporting a loved one, this session will offer practical advice, heartfelt insights, and a sense of community. Discover what has worked for others, what hasn’t, and how to navigate the complex emotions that come with life after cancer.

 We encourage you to engage fully—this is your space to learn, share, and grow. Let's find hope, strength, and joy in this journey together.

Register for our webinar below.